Friday, May 31, 2013


It's my last day of funemployment before I start my summer rotation, and I'm sitting at this amazing coffee shop at the edge of Durham, and I'm thinking now would be the perfect time to write my grad school resolutions.

So here it goes, in no particular order, and some are tangible, achievable goals, and others are more lofty, amorphous, general whims.

_Keep a paper notebook, but transcribe everything electronically at the end of each day.
_Apply for NSF GFRP my first year (and second, if applicable.)
_Apply for travel awards for conferences
_Write the methods as I do the experiment
_Outline the paper I 'want' to write, and do the experiments simultaneously
_Attend the Physiology course (or any other MBL course!) at Woods Hole
_Attend any course, really
_NO GCHAT 9-5 (ok 10-4)
_One (1) blog post a month on a paper I've read. (resurrecting journal club!)
_Go to as many relevant/semi-relevant seminars as I can and no iphone! notes only!
_No shit talking. about anyone or anything. No exceptions.
_Be writing my thesis by the time I'm 30.
_Polite, prompt and short emails from now on. (Following the rule that if it can't be answered/explained in 3 sentences, pick up the damn phone.)
_Work hard in rotations, so at least two labs want me to join.
_And for gosh's sake rachael, PLEASE STUDY FOR EXAMS.

My biggest character flaw, (if I had to choose just one! I know, hard) is that I am sometimes (ok most of the time) slightly over-confident and can sometimes (ok most of the time) think that I know a little more than I actually do. I am working on that.

So if I had to pick one phrase to sum up my goals for grad school, it would be this:

Stay humble, stay curious, work hard, there is always an alternative hypothesis, and no goofing off on the internet.

I look forward to revisiting these goals in 5.7 +/- .7 years.

Should be fun.

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